This week we present the incredible performance poet, actor, photographer and jock Ronnie Norpel! with host Kat Georges. Doors open 5:45. Arrive early to sign up for the fantastic open reading before the feature.
Here's the deets on the wild Ronnie N:
Ronnie Norpel is a performance poet, actor, photographer and jock with a deep passion for the Phillies, where she spent seven seasons as a ballgirl and fan accommodation manager. In New York, “Ronnie G” was the muse and collaborator of Warhol Factory superstar Gerard Malanga, whose phot of Ronnie, “Marble of Light,” was included for the exhibition and catalogue, Artists of the Warhol Circle Then & Now. She studied acting in Hollywood and worked at the Zero One Gallery. Today, Ronnie reads monthly in NYC with the Upper Left Side Writers and Poets. Other readings include the Lower East Side Festival, the SynonymUS collective at Nuyorican Poets Café, and the Wild Angels at St. John the Divine.
Cornelia Street Cafe
Son of a Pony Poetry Reading Serie
Featured poet: Ronnie Norpel
Host: Kat Georges
29 Cornelia Street (between W. 4th & Bleecker), New York, NY
info: 212-989-9319 threeroomspress@mac.com
Doors open: 5:45 p.m.
Reading starts: 6 p.m
Admission $7 includes a free drink
Awesome! Wish I could be there!
I love ya but still have not figured out how to tweak the space-time continuum so I can be two places at the same time. I will, however, wait until the 23rd, then go back and see your bard and minstrel show on the 5th. Your talent makes it well worth a brown-out in the local power grid to run the equipment so I can be there retroactively. Of course, I can't let YOU see me. That would change the future to which I'll have to return.
I hear Ronnie rocks! Wish I could be there and finally experience it for myself, but cannot run out on son's little league playoffs.
Wish I could be there, but need to locate missing pool passes for boys.
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More precisely does not happen
Well! Do not tell fairy tales!
I love ya but still have not figured out how to tweak the space-time continuum so I can be two places at the same time.
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