The Greater New York Independent Publishing Association (GNYIPA) presents
National Poetry Month Kickoff Poetry Reading
A benefit performance for GNYIPA
featuring poetry by
Walter Holland, Pamela Sneed, Jee Leong Koh, Perry Brass, Kat Georges and Francine Trevens
Wednesday, March 31, 6-8 pm
Cornelia St. Cafe
Ever wondered what it takes to find a publisher for your poetry or novel? Thinking about self-publishing but not sure how to get started? Wondering how to publicize your book or get it sold on Amazon?
Come to Cornelia Street Cafe (29 Cornelia St., between W. 4th & Bleecker) this Wedensday, March 31 at 6 p.m., where members of independent publishing group GNYIPA (Greater New York Independent Publishers Association) will be showcasing their poetry plus sharing secrets of how to succeed at independent publishing. Tickets $12.
The evening features select poetry readings by Walter Holland (A Journal of the Plague Years: Poems 1979-1992 (Magic City Press, 1992) and Transatlantic (Painted Leaf Press, 2001)(, Pamela Sneed (Imagine Being More Afraid of Freedom Than Slavery (Henry Holt, 1998) and KONG And Other Works (Vintage Entity Press, 2009)), Jee Leong Koh (Payday Loans and Equal to the Earth (Bench Press)), novelist/poet Perry Brass (The Manly Art of Seduction (Belhue Press)), playwright/poet Kat Georges (Punk Rock Journal (Three Rooms Press)), Marni K. Connelly (reading poems of Francine Trevens (Echoes of Eternity (TnT Classic Books) and Jane Chambers (Warrior at Rest (TnT Classic Books)). The event will also include a photography exhibit by Heidi Russell.
Following the reading, publishers will be available for one-on-one discussions to share tips on publishing and self-publishing, and offer information about the GNYIPA organization. For more than 10 years, GNYIPA has served as an important resource for the city’s independent publishers, providing pointers on everything from book design and printing, to distribution and promotion, to digital book creation and licensing.
National Poetry Month Kickoff Poetry Reading
A benefit performance for GNYIPA
Wednesday, March 31, 6-8 pm
Cornelia Street Cafe
29 Cornelia Street, New York
Admission $12 includes a free drink
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