This afternoon, life was perfect until--suddenly--I could no longer accesss craigslist! Yikes! You should have seen the look on my face as I pushed the reload button over and over, only to get the message Error! Every other website worked. But I didn't want every other website. I wanted craigslist, that comforting, cleanly designed source of everything from New York garage sale info to jobs, jobs, jobs.
Turns out there was a big power outage in San Francisco. In SOMA. Where the Giants play, where BART runs, where I spent nine months once--literally: for nine months, except for an occasional trip to North Beach, I never went North of Market Street! Hmm....What is the sound of Barry Bonds' record winning home run if it's hit during a blackout?
Supposedly the power is back on now. For almost everyone. But craigslist is still down. Reminds me: During one blackout there, a poor friend of mine had no power in his loft for 3 weeks! He was the last one they turned back on. Crushing blow to his ego.
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